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Welfare Parasites Can Support More Children than Billionaires: Big pink elephants 1 - How Governments Plan to Pimp Out Your Daughters and Enslave Your Sons to Voters. Read online

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prisoners you got to fix it.” The Nazi would say some politically correct things but won’t do anything. The gas chamber behaves exactly as he wants. Yes people die. That’s what he wants.

  If you have any family members or friends that want to get married, please forward this book to them so you can stop it before it’s too late. By the way, the marriage laws won’t change. If anything it’ll be worse. The law is not about justice. It’s about the interests of voters. Most voters hate rich smart men and want them exterminated. The laws work as intended.

  “If you are contemplating suicide, don't do it.  There is a life after divorce.  It's not easy, but it can be good”. https://fathersforlife.org/suicides/men_who_broke.htm

  This is what I disagree with that website. They should have said

  “If you are contemplating civil marriage as defined by government, don't do it.  There is a life sex outside marriage after divorce.  It's not easy, but it can be good.”

  Single males are not the only one that craft marital laws. What about ugly women? You see, unlike men, women can always get men easily. What’s difficult is when she start demanding marriage or getting paid.

  Ugly women won’t get paid a lot of money for sex. So they are jealous and want to prevent any women from getting paid. Yes, those women also want rich men to go bankrupt when married. They also want to make many alternatives outside marriage illegal to encourage rich men to get married nevertheless.

  Marriage laws in the west are there to financially bankrupt rich smart males and prevent them from getting too many women. Most middle class voters like it because they won’t get hot babes if the rich are let to get all women they can attract. Actually they can if they imported them from poorer countries. Well, that’s a different issue. Let’s just say they can’t import.

  The only reason why any men still want to get married is because too many alternatives are illegal and because they know too little about the truth.

  There are plenty of women that are not out to hate or hurt rich men as long as she got enough. Women demanding marriage wants and often do draw blood.

  Which is why sugar babies are more relevant today than marriage. Marriage is obsolete and will remain so as long as libtard, feminazis, and religious bigots control what the rules are through government. Check that kind of relationship here https://freemarketforever.com/uncategorized/why-sugar-daddy-babies-relationship-is-better-than-marriage/

  Those males that do not read my books and do get married often end up like this:

  Many would call me misogynist. After all not all women are like that. It doesn’t really matter.

  Even if only 1% of business partners are psychopaths, you should sign a fair enforceable contract to all of them. If not

  1.That 1% psychopaths will be the one doing business with you.

  2.You deprive resources that could have been spent on the honest businessmen.

  Marriage rewards women that commit paternity fraud. You are legally required to pay child support irrelevant of whether the kids are biologically yours or not within marriage. Of course, you often have to pay anyway without making any mistakes because that’s how tax and welfare works. However, getting marrieds will just make things worse.

  If you choose to get married and got screwed over, not only you hurt yourself, you hurt other nice beautiful young girls that could have had you instead.

  Many wants the law changed. The truth is, you can’t change the world by much. You can, however, change yourself and your friends. Spread this book.

  Asking feminazi and mediocre males to reform alimony laws is like asking nazi to make gas chambers more safe. Duh….

  After all, most people do behaves like psychopaths when they have the power to do so and can get away with things. What do you expect?

  Most Prostitutions are Consensual

  I mean this got to be a big pink elephant.

  If majority of prostitution involve fraud or force, then majority of prostitution arrests must be followed by rape or fraud investigation. Is it?

  You captured a young under aged girls displaying her cunts all over the place. Then, according to feminazi, she must be forced. I bet cops would arrest the johns for rape, the pimp for assisting rape and fraud. Not to mention statutory rape penalty. For some reason the sheer majority, if not all, of prostitutes arrested are not followed by rape conviction.

  The cops know. They don’t bother finding who put gun on the poor girls head and force her to be prostitutes. The cops know there is no such thing.

  There is nothing in the definition of anti-prostitution laws that specify that the act must be non-consensual to be illegal. So, even government itself doesn’t claim it’s non consensual. Governments arrests johns and hoe anyway without bother proofing to the jury that the act is not consensual.

  It’s having a cake and eats it too. Feminazis want to have it both ways. If they want to prohibit consensual acts then they’re a tyrant. When they prohibit nonconsensual acts, then they need to specify that non consent must be an element of the crim. So what they did is they prohibit consensual acts under pretext that it’s often nonconsensual.

  “I think that people find prostitution icky. When they are on the right, they can Bible-thump (though the Bible doesn't seem to have a lot of clear objections, it doesn't stop people). On the left, and they have to come up with something about how it hurts women. Though really, the women it hurts are those who object to it because it threatens the socio-sexual marketplace. The Teamsters have been known to employ similar tactics.” – Eric Pepke - https://www.quora.com/Sex-Workers-and-Prostitution/How-does-a-man-justify-visiting-a-prostitute/answer/Rozali-Rindro/comment/1834807

  Of course, most societies have laws against rape and fraud. If most prostitutes are forced or tricked into doing it, then why not charge the johns with rape? Why typical prostitutions arrests are not followed with rape investigation? The fact that governments do not charge johns with rape and pimps with assisted rape shows that prostitution is consensual.

  Feminazis then use really really bizarre definition of non consensual.

  They would count that if girls become prostitutes due to drug addiction, lack of money, having starving kids, and having been sexually abused in the past. Some would say that prostitutes are victim of their own choice for liking luxuries.

  The idea that those in power can overrule individual decisions and restrict freedom under pretext of the victim’s own good is nothing new.

  Taney wrote, blacks were “regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights that the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his own benefit” - https://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/personality/landmark_dred.html

  Now, feminazi didn’t claim that women are inferior. However, they limited the choices nevertheless. Hot babes are like birds. Before, they were in iron cage. Now they are on golden cage. The birds don’t care that their cage is golden. They just want to be free.

  I guess, I wouldn’t be able to sell burger to anyone anymore because I’ll never know if any of my customer have had been sexually abused in the past. If she has been abused in the past, that would mean anything she does is not consensual. Hence I am forcing her to eat burger by feminazis’ logic. Do I? C’mon.

  You can read more here: https://human-stupidity.com/stupid-dogma/prostitution/feminist-arguments-against-prostitution-dismantled. Definition of non consent feminazis use to sabotage freedom can be used against pretty much any occupation.

  Oh, I bet all those prostitutes can’t get a job in McDonald. I mean working in McDonald is legal and meet feminazis standard of working. Why would anyone perform degrading job as prostitutes for $3k per hour if she can flip burgers? Geniuses.

  Another telltale sign? Sasha Grey. She got 156 IQ and still become porn stars. Here, check yourself at https://www.ranker.com/list/the-13-smartest-por
n-stars-of-all-time/greg. Obviously, for many beautiful women, having lots of sex and getting paid for it is better than many normal choices.

  Of course, because we are selfish, only opinions of beautiful women matter. Why care about those who can’t add value to us?

  There are other obvious signs. First the pay. Prostitutes are paid well. –

  “A "high-end" Brooklyn escort services that raked in $7 million over three years by dealing sex and drugs to clients who forked over as much as $10,000 per night has been broken up, authorities revealed today in announcing the arrests of 17 people.” https://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2011/07/3600-per-hour-hooker-ring-busted-456.html

  Many feminazis will say that it only happens to a small number of prostitutes. That happens in all industry. Only a small number of basketball players earn millions of dollars. Only a small number of talented programmers earn $200k per year. So what? Why should those that are able to get a good high paying job have to give any shit to those who can’t? We’re all selfish right?

  Even if 99% of prostitutes are indeed forced, why should the right of the 1% be affected at all? In area where prostitution is legal, the number is around 99% to 1% on the other direction.

  I was pissed when people told me that physics are too difficult for students my age. I was pissed when schools have to dumb down courses for students dumber than me simply because