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Welfare Parasites Can Support More Children than Billionaires: Big pink elephants 1 - How Governments Plan to Pimp Out Your Daughters and Enslave Your Sons to Voters. Page 5
Welfare Parasites Can Support More Children than Billionaires: Big pink elephants 1 - How Governments Plan to Pimp Out Your Daughters and Enslave Your Sons to Voters. Read online
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friends, all got perfect score 10/10 in Math national’s tests. That’s 3 out of 3 people whose score I know. Everybody says like, “Duh, the tests are so easy.”
Most students in government school do not pass math.
So how come the government, that can’t manage to educate their students well, insist to waste my ex teacher’s time for worthless seminar?
The teacher told me that if he disobeyed, the schools will lose license to teach. So he got to go. There, he told me that he had to sign that he had attended a 7 days seminar, even though the seminar was only 2 days.
Let me explain to you that may not understand clearly what’s going on.
The government pays for that seminar. The seminar is worthless that it’s not even worth the teachers’ time even if it were free. When something is free and “customer” doesn’t want it, any economists will know that the whole strategy is very unproductive.
However, that’s not the point. Look again. Why my teacher would sign that he went to a 7 days seminar if the seminar was only 2 days?
Obviously longer seminars will cost more. So, where does the difference of the money go?
To government officials that conduct the seminar.
That government officials, rather than students, or parents, or teachers, have power to decide what the curriculum is. They simply decree some useless nonsense to justify spending to voters, and enjoy the kickback money.
So all this time, I was wrong. I thought those entire extra curriculum are useless. No. It’s not useless. It’s useful. It’s useful for those who have the power to create curriculum. Because they’re in power, all of us got to eat shit so they can make a buck or two.
When I was young, I hated that. Now I realized, there is no other way to live. Everyone else is like that when they have power. You think voters don’t? You think government officials are the only psychopaths? You think normal people won’t behave the same way?
I can see that many hard working people would rather tolerate 1 or 2 % of corrupt officials rather than 50% of socialist voters. So why judge?
We’ll get back to this.
Recently I’ve heard that Indonesian’s government love to go to other countries for studies on how to govern better. Every time they go, the government gave them $3k per day to each of the official. Are the studies useful? Well, not according to places they visit. Does it matter?
When you have the power, you decide. It’s easy then to just decide to get what you want. It’s easy for those in power to decide to get more money or more women. If all you have is just money, all you can buy are doodads and perks.
Even the money you earn will be taxed heavily, unless you have power, such as knowledge of hiring expensive lawyers, to fight back.
It’s not wealth that matters, its power.
In particular, it’s not ownership of wealth that matters more. Its control of wealth and other humans that will get you what you want.
Why robbers put gun on their victim’s head? That robber wants to be in control of something you value, namely your life. Then he exchange that control for something else, namely your wallet. Fair trade.
But being robbers sucks. Society tends to punish robbers. Yea. Society tends to punish those working hard productively either through tax. The money goes to reward parasites that breed more kids. So we can’t really blame those robbers can we?
For the same reason, we can conclude that if you value anything dearly, somebody will want to control it. Men want women, then everyone wants to control what women can do. People want drugs, then government want to control drugs. People eat food, then government wants to control what food you can eat. You need to get smart, and then everyone wants to control education.
I am not surprised when I learned that ganja is safe. For government or anyone to want to control something, that something doesn’t have to be dangerous. That something needs to only be valuable. Here, valuable means, somebody is willing to pay for it. Are people willing to pay for drugs? Yes. You bet government will want to control it.
Remember, the truly precious things, are things money can’t buy. You just have to be in power to get it.
Got cash? Wanna buy women? Good luck. Billions, literally, will say you’re an asshole. Got power. Wanna rape women? Billions, literally, will say you’re holy.
There are far more cry against prostitution than say, forced marriage. Why? That’s because everybody knows not to mess with those in power.
The only reason why wealth is useful is because people tend to tolerate people that use their money to get what they want. You tend to get more McDonald by paying it than by putting guns on McDonald’s employees’ head. Being able to get something without conflict is power. But that’s it. Wealth is a form of power and that’s why it’s useful.
Still, having too much wealth, with too little power, will actually be poisonous. People will have strong incentive to loot your wealth. To loot your wealth, they will have to kill you. To minimize political costs in killing you they will portray you as some super evil beings.
In fact, that’s what many governments have done to their productive individuals.
Everything is part of the game. Everyone maximizes their own interests. When there are sufferings, it’s toward our best interests to simply see what we can do to max out our profits. Blaming the world just won’t do anything. In other word, if we are victims to any of those, we have only ourselves to blame. It’s up to us to ensure that we’re not victim.
Who own your body? You? Okay. Can you do drugs? Can you perform sex for cash? Can you pay girls for sex for cash? Who decide whether you can or not?
Most of the time you can’t. Why not? You can’t just pay girls for sex. She doesn’t control her body either. It’s not up to her. She’s just a peasant. Her body belongs to government, which is the pimp of all hoes.
That supreme pimp has decreed that the only way you can exchange money for sex is through ridiculously irrational stupid contract called marriage. Marriage is designed to ration females to single voters. To accomplish that goal, marriage rules need to bankrupt diligent hard working males that enter it. If you sign that demonic pact, the government will have even more control over you.
Actually you still can do drugs. However, it has nothing to do with who owns your body. It has a lot to do with power. Governments, after all don’t have eyes everywhere. You get what you want through your power to get you what you want, namely, power to simply just break the law and get away with it. Drug lords often have their own henchmen shooting down evil cops and tax collectors that get in the way. That’s how we pursue happiness. To seize power.
But government controls my body for my own sake, you said. The fact that governments say that ganja is dangerous is just a misunderstanding because nobody in government is smart enough to know that ganja is safe.
Sure. If I want to enslave others, I too would come up with some form of politically correct justification. Then I would pretend not knowing the big pink elephants. What’s new?
Women Prefer the Powerful
Actually, that is a more accurate opinion than the one that’s more popular. Women prefer the rich. In capitalistic societies, powerful simply means rich. However, it’s not always true and even now it’s far from truth. After all, societies are simply not capitalistic enough.
However, saying that women prefer the rich is an approximation. Nowadays, wealth is a form of power. In ancient time, those who are rich and powerless will simply be exterminated. Now it happens less so.
Our societies are simply not capitalistic enough. Hence, power outside wealth, like voting power, is also important. One of the reasons why in democratic countries every man manages to acquire almost equal number of women is because most men have the same power.
Still, wealth is only useful if it gives power. Wealth without power is actually dangerous. Wealth without power is like putting a sign on your head, “Kill me and take my money.” Many governments have done exactly that.
against Jews/Armenian/who knows/who care. Too rich and weak -> death. What happened to women that pick the weak and their children?
How do I know that women prefer the rich and powerful? Well, first of all, it’s what every friend with many girl friends told me.
However, there is a biologist explanation for that. Just look at the kind of women that successfully reproduced in the past. Preferences are inherited.
“During a DNA study of Europeans some extraordinarily naive scientists were stunned to discover that, by DNA testing, some 70% of the European population was distantly related to some royal family or another. Sometimes several royal bloodlines.” – David Wright a mensan
Actually its worst in Asia. Gengish Khan Y chromosome mutation shows up in 2% of Asian population.
So this is how gene pool survival works.
Most of us will have very few to no descendants 1 thousand years from now.
Some of us will father the rest.
How to compute?
Well, each of your children is half your descendant. So if you have 2 children, you have 1 descendant in the next generation. That number may decrease or increase.
After 1 thousand years, it may actually go to 0.
If you count each of your children as 1 descendant then yea, it's hard to go extinct. But if you look at your proportion of DNA in future generations, it can go up or down.
This is another thing interesting.
Look at ancient people with more descendants.
Those are
1.Kings (power)
2.Adulterous males (those who sleep with tons of others' wife).
3.The rich?
In Asia, it's usually the first way.
In europe, it's kind of tricky. Having many women is politically incorrect no matter how honest and victimless you do it. So you might as well go all the way bang other's wife.
But why others' wife? Why not single girls? Because kids need support. In Europe it's impossible to openly support many women. So you need some sucker cuckold to do that for you.
The rich? Hmmm... Not sure. In ancient China, and seems to be in ancient china only, people do have more children by being richer productively. I am not even sure about that. But the Sung dynasty used to control 85% of world’s GDP they must have done something right.
Power is the best predictor on how many children you have rather than wealth. Ancient emperors have tons of children.
What about women?
Women that pick the right men will also have more descendants. The ways descendants work are some kind of partnership. Your children will successfully reproduce if and only if your mate’s children do.
So, one easy way to see what women want is to look at the kind of males that were successful at producing children in the past. Women that picked that kind of males were also successful in the gene pool. Women nowadays have the same preference with their motherly ancestors.
If you are a male and prefer beautiful girls, that’s because 1000 years ago, males that prefer beautiful girls are the one with more descendants. If you do get beautiful girls, 1000 years from now your descendants will be the one numerous. Other males will go extinct. Hence, we would expect that other males also have preferences to prevent you from winning. That’s how their ancestors survive too.
Of course, humans are not that conservative. Nowadays, with welfare males having more children than millionaire, it's not strange that women prefer a poor stud rather than a rich man. That's especially true if she's married and will have money anyway no matter what she does.
Marriage Tends to Bankrupt Rich Productive Males
Another reason why no rich smart men should ever get married.
Women do prefer the wealthy.
Remember, wealth here, means wealth you control, not wealth you own. So welfare parasites are actually quite rich because they control a lot of wealth through voting. They’re so rich that they can afford more children than billionaires.
Once you got married, you no longer control your wealth. Your wife does. Hence, many wives simply do end up like this https://austinlad76.tumblr.com/.
And the suckers that marry them end up like: https://fathersforlife.org/suicides/men_who_broke.htm.
Inspiration behind marriage in western civilization is like this:
Marriage is not such a bad idea if you don’t have much to live for anyway. However, don’t give up on life too soon. Most of my friends don’t give up till 31 or 30.
If you managed to get rich faster than that, you may never have to get married for the whole of your life just to get laid with hot babes and knock them up. In pee country, you may not have that option though.
First, let’s clarify something here. When people think of laws, people think of justice, and it often does correlate. When people think about marriage, people think about love, and it often does correlate. After all, you love those who turn you on and you wouldn’t marry a girl too ugly.
However, like wealth vs power dichotomy, one term is more accurate than the other. That’s why the title of the last chapter. I didn’t say women prefer the rich. I said women prefer the powerful. Such distinction is important.
Humans are selfish. Anything humans do, humans create to max out their selfish interests. Laws are then made to maximize the interests of lawmakers. Is it just? In many cases yea. Unjust laws will make people kill and rob each other. Everyone will be worse off. It’s not toward anyone’s interests to create unjust laws on most cases. So laws are doing fine in most cases.
For things that truly matter, when the stake is too high and justice do not help the interests of those in power, laws will not be just. If there is any accurate predictor of what laws, morals, or religious doctrines will prevail in a society, the one variable is the interests of those in power on that society. You can just forget justice and look at interests of those who have the power to make laws and shape the sheep’s notion of morality.
What matters is not justice itself. What matters is the interest of voters or lawmakers. Just look at all bizarre laws criminalizing heretical religious beliefs or expressions. It’s simply not to the best interests for religious leaders to tolerate secularism. So they simply demand punishments for those that may undermine the sheep’s faith on their nonsense.
Or look at Chinese history where emperors often mass murder potential rebels’ family. A Ming emperor, for example, killed 15k of his general’s family because the general collect 10k samurai sword. Chinese most venerated generals, Yue Fei and Yuan Chongquan, were killed by the emperor.
Justice? Here, I am defining justice very vaguely here because it doesn’t matter anyway. Well, no, it’s not just. However, it does fit the interests of the emperor right? Emperors, after all, do not want generals to be more popular than him and have every interest to kill those who are too productive.
“justice is nothing else than the interest of the stronger.” - Thrasymachus
Under democracy, voters are emperors and they behave the same way.
If you live in a country that’s far richer than most other countries, and most of you earn more than what’s required to live, you’ll realize that material justice is not on top of voters mind. Most men have enough money they do not care to reward the productive anymore.
Put yourself on the shoes of single male voters, for example. Do those males care whether women are raped or not? Which one they care more? Will they care that sex is consensual or will they care whether the hot women pick them or not?
Here is a hint. Humans are selfish. Whether the girls are raped or not is not most males concern. Think about it. Most males concern about how to end up with hot babes.
Any sexual relationship where women pick some other males will be politically incorrect irrelevant of consent.
Who are the others? The others are those who are different than those having the opinion.
In other word. Prostitution is politically incorrect for poor males. Polygamy is politically incorrect for
single males. Inter-racial mating is politically incorrect for racists. Inter religious mating is politically incorrect for the religious group.
A way to justify the politically incorrectness is to claim that the act is not consensual. Hence, prostitution, while consensual, is condemned as not consensual. Marriage, while often forced, is always presumed to be consensual.
As the world is getting more and more capitalistic, one of the biggest competitors for swing voters are simply richer males. Women prefer the rich. What would stop a billionaire from sleeping with many young hot women?
Because all women wants exclusivity? C’mon. That’s actually not true. Red Queen by Matt Ridley, an evolutionary psychologist shows that, outside marriage, women prefer men with many women. Most mistresses of rich men know they’re not the only one. Actually having more girlfriends increase a man’s desirability.
Because rich men only want one women? Let’s forget that okay. Bill Gates is an exception, not the norm. He’s a nerd after all.
So, richer man can attract more women. If that’s not enough, they can just pay women to pick them. What would happen next? Anti prostitution laws. It’s too predictable.
Okay, no prostitution then. Fine. Why not just marry the girls?
“Far from being laws to protect women, anti polygamy statutes may really do more to protect (less desirable) men” – Matt Ridley - The Red Queen
Okay, no prostitution, no polygamy. Let’s just do serial monogamy. And what lies ahead of that? You guess that.
Marriage laws are there to bankrupt richer smarter males.
You can think of marriage as tax. Tax is the transfer of wealth from you to government. Obviously government want to max out tax and would have done so if not because they found out that you get lazy or go oversea or turn terrorists if the tax is raised even higher.
Marriage is the transfer of power from you to government. Outside marriage, you define what ideal relationship is. Within marriage government is the pimp.
Marriage is worse than tax because power matters more than wealth.
Men who do get married will lose so much control of his wealth. That would put a huge burden from another hot young girl that may want him too like as this told here: https://www.alimonynightmares.com/Story5A.html, and here https://www.alimonynightmares.com/Story20A.html.
A 1999 study by the American Association of Blood Banks discovered that in 30 percent of 280,000 blood tests performed to determine paternity, the man tested was not actually the biological father of his children. - https://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/phil/blphil_ethbio_patfraud.htm
“If the laws remain the way that they are with no guidelines, don't do it," warns Alice. "It's a lifetime sentence.” - https://www.actionnewsjax.com/content/topstories/story/Alimony-outrage-Why-people-are-demanding-change/bwTLmraQl0i0-16z2bxx7A.cspx
Alice says that the alimony law is so bad people demand change. I think demanding change is stupid. Demanding change in alimony is like telling Nazi, “Look your gas chambers are dangerous for